Information Law 34/2002 on information society services (LSSICE)

Sercotel Operadora S.l.. provided with CIF. B66541319, in compliance with the provisions of article 10 of the LSSICE, informs you that the company is a company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona in Volume 47347, Folio 90, Sheet B-285270, with address at C/ Comte de Urgell, 240 , Ático, C.P 08036 (hereinafter Sercotel).

You can contact us at Tel. +34 933636363 and Fax +34 933636360 and through the email address

The aforementioned company is the owner of the domain name

Terms of use

The terms 'You' and 'User' are used here to refer to all individuals and/or entities that for any reason access this website.

Sercotel aims to bring Restaurante Godere closer to its users. To do this, Sercotel makes available through information and services related to our restaurant such as online reservations, customer service and employment exchange. (hereinafter "the services").

The use of the page and/or its services will imply full and unreserved acceptance, and the validity, of each and every one of the provisions in the latest updated version of this Legal Notice, so the user must be aware of the importance of reading them every time you visit our Website. Access and/or use of certain services offered to users (hereinafter the user) on may be subject to certain conditions that, depending on the case, replace, modify and/or complete these Rules. of use, so the user, prior to accessing and/or using said services and content, must read and accept said conditions.

The user agrees to use the page and those services made available through it, in accordance with the Law, morality, good customs and public order,

as well as with the provisions of this Legal Notice. Consequently, you are obliged not to use the page or services, for purposes or effects that are illicit and/or contrary to what is established in this Legal Notice, harmful to the rights and/or interests of third parties or that, in any way way, may damage the page and/or its image, prevent its normal use, or the services accessible through it, by the rest of the users.

Sercotel may, for greater agility in the operation of and for the benefit of users, unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, the services provided or any substantial aspect of this page, or the operating conditions. , techniques and use of the services of Likewise, users, in order to improve the service and establish an optimal level of quality, the ultimate objective of Sercotel, may suggest those modifications that they deem useful, by contacting those responsible for the page through the address of email

Users of must observe any instructions that Sercotel or its duly authorized personnel give via e-mail.

Reasons for exclusion

Sercotel reserves the right to temporarily or permanently exclude users in any of the following cases. For failure to comply with any of the provisions established in this document. Due to non-compliance with laws, morals, and public order and in a special way, and by way of example, but not limited to, the use of the Website or our services is not permitted in a way that includes (i) material that infringes rights. of authorship that is not duly authorized, or that infringes any other Intellectual or Industrial Property right, (ii) offensive material or that threatens public security and national defense, (iii) material that advocates terrorism, racism, or other discriminatory conduct.

for reasons of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal or social circumstance, (iv) material that attacks youth and childhood, particularly of a pornographic nature, especially that which attacks minors, (v ) threatening, defamatory or violence-inciting materials.

In accordance with the provisions of the LSSI, Sercotel will proceed to interrupt the service as soon as it has effective knowledge that any illegal activity occurs or property or rights of third parties are injured.

The exclusion of the user will not imply the renunciation of Sercotel to carry out the corresponding legal actions or the compensation that corresponds by law.

Right to modify the rules of use

Sercotel reserves the right to unilaterally modify and without prior notice, any of the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice, in the terms and conditions it deems appropriate, informing users of the modifications made through

Intellectual property and copyright

All the information contained in, its graphic design and the code in HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script, Active intellectual property. These rights belong exclusively to Sercotel or its licensors. Internet users who access this website can view the information contained therein and make downloads or private reproductions on their computer system, provided that the reproduced elements are not subsequently transferred to third parties or are installed on a server connected to the Internet or to a local network. Without prejudice to what is stated in this Legal Notice, the distribution, modification, transfer, public communication, reproductions or any other act on the part or

la totalidad de la información publicada en, sin autorización previa de Sercotel.

The user must use the content and information collected on, in a diligent, correct and lawful manner, and specifically, only for personal and non-commercial use, as long as the content or any mention is not deleted or modified. of sources, copyright and other data identifying the rights of Sercotel or third parties, that is, respecting its original form. Any reproduction or copy, distribution or publication, of any kind, of the content of the information published on without prior written authorization from Sercotel is prohibited. Authorization for reproduction can be requested from the email address In the event that any user or third party considers that any of the existing content on has been introduced in violation of copyright or other intellectual property protection rights, please notify Sercotel of this circumstance. sending notification to the email address, which includes, at least, the following: a) Name, address, telephone number and email address of the claimant. b) Data of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property protection rights that may have been infringed. c) Indication of the infringed contents and location on the page d) Declaration that the introduction of the contents has been introduced without express authorization of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights. Without prejudice to what is stated in the preceding paragraphs, Sercotel reserves the right to defend itself against claims based on current regulations on advertising and copyright or other rights protecting intellectual property.


In the event that refers through links to advertising or third-party Web pages, Sercotel is not obliged to

control and does not previously control, approve or make its own the services, content, data, files, products and any type of material existing on the third-party web page or pages, so Sercotel will not be liable, under any circumstances, for the legality of the contents of said page/s, being the exclusive responsibility of the third party, by way of example and not limitation, respect for the legality, morality, good customs and public order, of the contents, as well as that they do not infringe rights. any third parties. The existence of a hyperlink does not presuppose a relationship of any kind between Sercotel and the owner of the Web page on which it is established.

Those users or third parties who intend to establish a hyperlink with the page must guarantee that the hyperlink only allows access to the pages or services of the page, but does not, but is not limited to, non-limiting, reproduction of contents, deeplinks, browsers, inaccurate or incorrect statements, about the contents or the website of Except for those signs that are part of the hyperlink, the user will guarantee that the web page on which the hyperlink is established will not contain brands, trade names, establishment signs, names, logos, slogans or any type of distinctive sign belonging to Sercotel.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibilities

Sercotel does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of the operation of its website or the products or services made available to the user, and therefore excludes any liability for damages and/or losses of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability, reliability or continuity of its website or its services, although it will try to provide, to the extent of its possibilities, technical help to the affected person.

Sercotel will not be responsible for the interruption of the service, suspension, temporary downtime of the server or termination of the information or services or for possible omissions, loss of information, data, configurations, improper access or violation

of confidentiality that originate from technical problems, communications or human omissions caused by third parties or not attributable to Sercotel.

Sercotel is not obliged to control and does not control in advance the absence of viruses or elements in the content that may cause alterations in the software or hardware of the users or people who visit the pages, so it will not be liable for any damages. and damages of any nature that may arise from them.

Sercotel is not obliged to control and does not previously control, approve or make its own the services, content, data, files, products and any type of material existing on the third-party website or pages, for which Sercotel will not be liable, under under any circumstances, of the legality of the contents of your Web page(s), being the exclusive responsibility of third parties, by way of example and not limitation, respect for the legality, morality, good customs and public order, of the contents, as well as that they do not infringe any rights of third parties. In accordance with the LSSICE, Sercotel will not be responsible for the information to which we may send you if we do not have effective knowledge that the activity or information to which we send you is illegal or damages the property or rights of third parties. It will be understood that there is "effective knowledge" according to the LSSICE when a competent body has declared the illegality of the data, ordering its withdrawal or making access to it impossible, or the existence of the injury has been declared and Sercotel was aware of the corresponding resolution.

Sercotel is not obliged to control and does not control, nor guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of operation of the products or services made available to the user by third parties hosted outside, therefore it excludes any liability for damages. and/or damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability, reliability or continuity of its website or its services. The user will be liable for damages and/or losses of any nature that Sercotel may suffer as a result of non-compliance by

part of the user, the law or any of the general conditions included in this agreement.

Safeguarding the rules of use

If one of the stipulations of this Legal Notice is declared null or inoperative, the rest of the conditions will be maintained in the agreed terms. Sercotel undertakes to replace the stipulation affected by the nullity, coming as close as possible to the intention initially pursued by the Parties.

Personal data protection policy

Sercotel has defined its data protection policy in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and LO 3/2018 on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, with respect to data that you freely and voluntarily provide through our website. To consult our policy you can do so in PRIVACY POLICY.

Complaints and Claims

The User can send Sercotel their complaints, claims or any other comments they wish to make through the contact information provided at the beginning of this text.

The maximum resolution period will be 30 days from the day following the presentation of the claim. After this period has elapsed, without the claim having been resolved, it will be deemed rejected for the appropriate purposes. All of this, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.

Possibility of computer errors

The price of the services is the one in force at the time of acceptance of the reservation. In the event that a Client makes a reservation

with an erroneous price, the correct price will be communicated, and if the Client wishes to continue with it, the corrected price will be applied. Otherwise, the Customer will have the right to cancel their purchase without any cost on their part.

Fuerza mayor

Sercotel will not be responsible in any case in case of impossibility of providing service, if this is due to prolonged interruptions of the electricity supply, telecommunications lines, social conflicts, strikes, rebellion, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government, and in general all cases of force majeure or fortuitous event.

Translation into languages

All information and documentation available in the different versions of this website is provided for informational purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the versions in other languages ​​and that of the original version in Spanish, the latter will prevail.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The applicable law in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any matter related to Sercotel services, will be Spanish law.

To resolve any controversy that may arise during the use of the website and/or its services, the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of judges and courts established in the regulations on procedural and/or consumer matters and users in the event of being a consumer. If this is not considered, submission to the Judges and Courts of the city of Barcelona is agreed.

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